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GOOD NEWS : First global tour payout pi coin GCV$314159=1 PI - hokanews


GOOD NEWS : First global tour payout pi coin GCV$314159=1 PI - hokanews 

hokanews.com - Pi Network created by Dr.  Nicolas Kokkalis is quite trending in early 2023, both among cryptocurrency lovers and even ordinary people.  After welcoming Pi day, exactly 14 March 2023. So the pi network is officially entering its 4th year.

Currently, the pi network itself has entered into a mass KYC process. At this early stage, this is a golden opportunity for pioneers who have not yet received a KYC slot from the pi network.  And at this stage, the original pi network miner account can be seen as a bot miner account.  From the kyc process carried out by the Pioneers.

In addition to the KYC process being accelerated on the pi network by CoreTeam itself.  Currently, the pi network ecosystem is growing rapidly.

From various ways pioneers build ecosystem pi network.  So that the pi coin is more perfect and faster to be launched on cryptocurrency exchanges, or what is commonly called by pioneers open mainnet.

However, no one knows the exact date and time of the pi network open mainnet.  But from CoreTeam itself.

From the various activities carried out by the pi network community to develop the pi network ecosystem.

As recently appeared on social media on behalf of the pi network community.  Barter pi network web3 is holding a global pi coin tour this time to the Philippines.

This was revealed from one of the pi network community accounts on Twitter.  hokanews.com monitoring from the pi network community account is clear from the posts he shared.  But the language is in Chinese, Hokanews translates it into English like this:

PIGCV Payment World Tour: Philippines🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭

PiNetwork Web3 barter held picoin global tour this time to the Philippines🇵🇭PIGCV

Let us report on the countries and regions of the next PIGCV global tour, act now!  Let us see the pride of your country's pi openers 💪💪👍👍👊👊





hokanews.com does not publish articles without sources.  For more details, see the image below:

Twitter image source 

It is clear from the video that was shared by the community account, with a video duration of about 0.45 seconds. You can see the pioneers are checking in, as if someone wants to tor to one country, you can clearly see the pi network logo attached there.  Also with a number of pioneers that are not small.  For more details about the contents of the video, click here.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining device battery. The Pi blockchain secures economic transactions through a mobile meritocracy system and a complete Web3 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

That's a little information that we can share with all the pi network communities.  
Hopefully this is useful, keep the spirit, don't give up.
If the information from hokanews is useful, don't forget to share it with other pioneers.

From pioneers for pioneers

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Thanks to all the pioneers, warm greetings from the hokanews team.  Information from the pi network community for all pioneers

