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hokanews.com - The merger of Protocol 20 in Pi Network marks a significant step in the network's evolution journey. Protocol 20 aims to solidify the foundation of the quantum system, which is the direction of the network's evolution. By upgrading from Protocol 19 to Protocol 20, this step becomes crucial in ensuring the network's readiness to face unforeseen events that could potentially disrupt the stability of the current financial system.

Since its inception, Pi Network has attracted attention as a platform aiming to lead in blockchain innovation. By introducing the concept of trust-based mining, allowing users to earn cryptocurrency without the need for expensive hardware, Pi Network has successfully garnered the attention of millions of users worldwide.

However, behind the achieved success, Pi Network continues to strive for growth and improvement to remain relevant and competitive amid rapid technological changes. The merger of Protocol 20 is one of the important steps in these efforts.

The merger is expected to take effect from February 20, with the implementation of phases 0, 1, and 2 that will affect the functionality of smart contract merging. However, it is important to note that transaction limits using existing Stellar operations will not be affected. This means that existing applications will continue to operate without interruption.

This refinement is not only about improving network efficiency but also about creating a solid foundation to face a future full of challenges. By strengthening the infrastructure and enhancing network security and reliability, Pi Network aims to become one of the major players in the global blockchain ecosystem.

However, it is important to remember that the merger of Protocol 20 is not just a technical upgrade. It is a manifestation of Pi Network's vision to create an inclusive and sustainable ecosystem, where every member plays a significant role in building a better future.

With the merger of Protocol 20, Pi Network reaffirms its commitment to be a leader in blockchain innovation. This step will not only strengthen Pi Network's position in the global crypto ecosystem but also open up new opportunities for network growth and sustainability.

Thus, the merger of Protocol 20 in Pi Network is not just a technical step, but also a symbol of determination to continue innovating and facing future challenges with confidence and courage.

The merger of Protocol 20 in Pi Network marks a significant milestone in the network's evolution journey. By strengthening its technical foundation, Pi Network aims to become one of the major players in the global blockchain ecosystem. However, more than just a technical upgrade, this merger also reflects Pi Network's commitment to creating an inclusive and sustainable ecosystem, where every member plays a significant role in building a better future.

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