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Breaking! Preparing for V20 Merger: Stellar and QFS Remove Pi Testnet and Transition to Mainnet - hokanews


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Breaking! Preparing for V20 Merger: Stellar and QFS Remove Pi Testnet and Transition to Mainnet - hokanews 

hokanews.com - Groundbreaking news has shaken both the blockchain and global financial industries: the preparations for the V20 merger have made waves with a monumental announcement from Stellar and QFS. This momentum signifies not just change, but a significant shift towards a new era.

Ecosystem Consolidation

The specified date, December 18, 2023, will mark a historic milestone when the Core V20 within the Stellar System is declared stable. This compels all global ecosystems and Anchor Pools to swiftly migrate to the Mainnet. Furthermore, the Pi testnet will also be discontinued, signifying the end of an era and the dawn of a new one.

Global Reset Schedule

Between December 15 and January 15, 2024, a global reset will occur. This phenomenon has captured the attention of the global financial industry, as if the orders can be fulfilled in a short span, it could result in full consolidation across the financial sector worldwide.

Implications for the Financial Industry

When technology allows the crossover and amalgamation of different ecosystems, its implications cannot be underestimated. The V20 merger and transition to Mainnet are not merely technical steps; they represent a fundamental change that could alter the workings and interactions within the global financial world.

Pi Network Roadmap and Future Direction

The Pi Network itself aligns its goals with the Order Matching V20. This indicates that, within this major landscape change, the Pi Network also showcases its commitment to following the major trends prevailing in this industry.

The announcement about the preparations for the V20 merger, the removal of the Pi testnet, and the transition to Mainnet from Stellar and QFS have marked a significant turning point in the evolution of the global financial system. It's not just a technical change, but also signifies a revolution in how we perceive, use, and develop financial systems in the future.

The hope is that these steps bring forth innovation enabling greater accessibility, security, and efficiency within the global financial ecosystem. May this new era bring goodness and opportunities for all parties involved.

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