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Bold Move! Pi Core Team Ready to Launch Pi Exchange and Shake the Market - hokanews


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Bold Move! Pi Core Team Ready to Launch Pi Exchange and Shake the Market - hokanews

hokanews.com - The echoes of the crypto world resonate with the bold steps of the Pi Core Team. In their latest announcement, they are gearing up to launch Pi Exchange, a revolution in the Picoin ecosystem that has the potential to shake the global financial market. Here's a comprehensive overview of this ambitious plan.

PiFest: Predictions Come True

The recent PiFest event, held from December 6 to 11, left behind significant surprises. Before the launch, I had predicted that the Pi Core Team would introduce Pi Exchange, and now that prediction has become a reality. Undoubtedly, this move is not just a coincidence but the result of meticulous planning and preparation by the Pi Core Team.

Strategic Move on Github Pi Network

When announcing PiFest, attention was drawn to the Pi Core Team's strategic move on the Github Pi Network. They released Pi Commerce in the Pi application catalog, hinting at the next steps. The question arises: is Pi Commerce just the beginning of something bigger?

Theory: Launching Pi Commerce on Pi Browser?

🔥Breaking News📢

   Before launching the PiFest event, I predicted that PCT would deploy Pi Exchange, in fact PiFest took place from December 6 to 11. And that is not a coincidence, because PCT has prepared and planned in advance.

   At the time of announcing the PiFest event, on Github Pi Network, PCT deployed Pi Commerce in the Pi application catalog. In my personal opinion, next they will launch the Pi Commerce application on Pi Browser (image provided by me). This app allows local businesses worldwide to accept Picoin integration as a means of payment, listing their stores on it.

    Everything happens at the right time to be truly effective, why not in July 2022 when PCT opens Pi to trade services and goods? In my opinion, the first phase of trading will be spontaneous, so that Pioneers can get used to P2P trading. After the PiFest event, 155 countries responded to Pay with Pi, which is the basis for them to perfect App Pi Commerce, from interface, store, language,..to become a global e-commerce application. Just one notification on the Pi app will have millions of visits the next day.

   Do you feel this will be a major turning point for the goal of moving towards a peer-to-peer marketplace?

   I really hope this happens, only the Pi Commerce app can set the consensus price for Picoin. 1pi=1pi, because Pi is a means of measuring the value of services and goods. However, there are still many factors that increase the value of Picoin in the financial market. And I will analyze that in another topic.

Note: Pi Commerce app is my personal opinion, not an official decision from PCT.

Repost if you have the same opinion as me.

Follow and 🔔turn on notifications to quickly update the next topics on my channel. Sincerely thank all Pioneers for their interest and support.

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In my personal view, the next step will involve the launch of Pi Commerce on the Pi Browser. Why is this significant? Because this application will enable local businesses worldwide to accept Picoin as a means of payment, opening the door to Picoin integration in the trade of goods and services.

Why December 2022 is the Right Time?

A question that might arise: why was December 2022 chosen as the right time? According to my analysis, after PiFest, 155 countries positively responded to Pay with Pi, creating a foundation for perfecting the Pi Commerce App. The first spontaneous trading phase is expected to help Pioneers become accustomed to P2P trading.

Pi Commerce: Towards Consensus Price for Picoin?

One thing I hope for is that only the Pi Commerce app can set the consensus price for Picoin. 1pi = 1pi, creating an accepted standard for measuring the value of goods and services. Nevertheless, there are still many factors that can increase the value of Picoin in the financial market, and I will investigate these factors in upcoming articles.

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