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Hot News: Tax Base Test for Pi Coin Transactions on the Pi Network Blockchain - hokanews


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Hot News: Tax Base Test for Pi Coin Transactions on the Pi Network Blockchain - hokanews

hokanews.com - In the midst of a journey towards major changes in the crypto world, Pi Network entered the realm of taxation by conducting a tax basis test for Pi Coin transactions. Unlike before, this time we will discuss in more depth the steps taken by the Pi Network core team in facing global tax challenges.

The Code "Codigo" in the Context of the Pi Blockchain

Taking a closer look at Blockchain Pi, we find that the “Codigo” Code becomes a key element in identifying and representing purchases in the blockchain realm. It's not just a series of numbers and letters; this is the key to unlocking the meaning of transactions in the crypto world.

The tax basis test conducted by the Pi Network core team involves this Code “Codigo”, where each transaction becomes a map that can be parsed to reveal tax aspects. Through this process, Pi Network seeks to create a resilient and transparent foundation amidst regulatory and tax turmoil.

In the crypto ecosystem, every transaction has a unique digital footprint to identify and represent a change in ownership or transfer of value. In the context of the Pi Blockchain, the "Codigo" code is a key element that acts as a transaction identifier.

     The "Codigo" code is not just a random combination of numbers and letters. This is a set of characters that is uniquely generated every time a transaction occurs. This ensures that each transaction has its own digital identity, cannot be duplicated, and is easy to trace.

     Every time there is a purchase or transfer of a Pi Coin, a “Codigo” Code is used to record and identify the change in ownership or transfer of value within the blockchain. This is similar to a reference number or transaction ID in a conventional banking system, but in a blockchain context, it is more decentralized and transparent.

     The “Codigo” code helps increase transparency in every step of the transaction. This allows anyone wishing to verify or trace a transaction to do so by checking the associated "Codigo" Code. That way, transaction data can be accessed and verified by interested parties.

Purchase Identification Process on Blockchain Pi

     When someone makes a purchase using Pi Coin, the transaction is recorded on the blockchain. The “Codigo” code records key information including the number of Pi Coins moved, the recipient address, and the time of the transaction.

     The Pi blockchain functions as a decentralized ledger that can be accessed by all members of the network. By using the Code “Codigo,” transactions can be verified by all nodes in the network, ensuring the validity and correctness of the information recorded.

     The "Codigo" code also helps maintain user security and anonymity. Although transactions are recorded openly on the blockchain, user identities are encrypted and protected by cryptography. This "Codigo" code is the key to unlocking transaction details without revealing the user's personal identity.

Stellar 20 Anchor Protocol: A Window to Transparency

The tax base test does not simply use the Pi Network protocol itself, but involves the Stellar 20 Anchor protocol. This protocol opens a window to transparency in every transaction. By involving the Stellar 20 Anchor, Pi Network's core team not only tested internally but also opened the door to external scrutiny.

This shows that Pi Network not only focuses on internal sustainability, but also values outside views and oversight, creating a stronger foundation for sustainable growth.

The Stellar 20 Anchor Protocol is part of Stellar, a blockchain platform designed to facilitate cross-border asset transfers and payments. In the context of Pi Network, the Stellar 20 Anchor Protocol is used to strengthen transparency and integrity during tax base tests.

     Stellar 20 Anchor enables interaction between the Pi Network and Stellar blockchains. This creates cross-protocol capabilities, where data and information can be transferred and accessed more easily between the two protocols. In the tax basis test, this opens the door to using Stellar's features and capabilities in evaluating transaction data.

By engaging the Stellar 20 Anchor Protocol, Pi Network effectively opens a window to transparency. Stellar is known for its openness and ability to provide easily accessible data. In the context of the tax basis test, this means that transaction-related information, including tax elements, can be accessed and verified more easily by interested parties.

     Involving the Stellar 20 Anchor also opens the door to external verification. Information recorded in the Pi Network blockchain can be accessed and verified by entities or third parties using the Stellar protocol. This strengthens the integrity of the tax base test, as the results can be checked by parties not directly involved in the Pi Network ecosystem.

     Tax transparency is further strengthened through the Stellar 20 Anchor Protocol. Transaction details, including potential tax implications, can be accessed more easily by parties who need the information. This helps create a more transparent and accountable ecosystem in the face of changing regulations and global tax needs.

Mission: To become the World Financial Center

This decision to conduct a tax basis test can also be seen as part of Pi Network's mission to become the "financial center of the world." Although the exact tax rates were not disclosed, this action sends a signal that Nicolas and the Pi Network core team are determined to operate within a global regulatory framework.

While much remains private, this action creates the foundation for Pi Network to gain greater global acceptance and solidify its position as a major player in the evolution of crypto.

Certainty or Challenge: 15% Tax Rate

As we continue to observe developments, an interesting question arises: what if the tax rate reaches 15%? Although we will not discuss it further in this article, this question is a source of concern and encouragement to continue monitoring further developments.

🔊🔊🔊 HOT NEWS 🔥🔥🔥:

Exactly as I analyzed before. Pi Coreteam actually ran a "tax basis" test for Pi Coin transactions (Including tax fees and tax groups).

Observing Blockchain Pi, Code "Codigo" is the code that identifies and represents purchases on the Blockchain. The test was carried out using the Pi Network Blockchain protocol through Stellar protocol 20 Anchor data.

However, the tax rate was not disclosed, perhaps this is also related to the global tax rate. Regardless, this is still a sign that Nicolas and the Pi Coreteam team are determined to make Pi Network the "financial center of the world". I'm still watching. continue tracking. 👇👇👇

#PiNetwork #PiCoin

It cannot be denied that the crypto world, and Pi Network in particular, is moving into a new, challenging phase. In this hell of change, Pi Network sets its footing with this tax base test, demonstrating that it is ready to face and embrace global regulatory and taxation changes.

Towards the World Financial Center with Strong Determination

In this hot news, we witness crucial steps taken by the Pi Network core team to face global tax challenges. The tax base test is a milestone that shows determination and readiness to compete on the global stage.

While there are still many unanswered questions, this is a step that confirms that Pi Network is not only focused on technology development, but also understands the importance of building a solid foundation in the global regulatory realm.

With a sharp outlook and strong determination, Pi Network continues to move forward, embracing a future full of challenges and hope. Let's continue to monitor this journey, as together we witness the evolution of crypto towards the pinnacle of change.

What happens if the tax rate is 15%. I wouldn't want to continue talking about that tax. But I'm still observing, hoping there will be a tax rate and I will notify you immediately as soon as possible. please wait.

Source: PiNetworkVNes 

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