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JUST IN: 4 Types of Merchants Accepting Pi Payments Worldwide - hokanews


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JUST IN: 4 Types of Merchants Accepting Pi Payments Worldwide - hokanews 

hokanews.com - we talk about cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin often comes to mind first. However, the crypto world is currently witnessing rapid growth in various other cryptocurrencies, and one of them is Pi Network. Pi Network is unique because it's still in development and not yet available on major cryptocurrency exchanges. However, this hasn't stopped merchants around the world from starting to accept payments in Pi. In this article, we will explore four types of merchants accepting Pi payments and how they operate in various parts of the world.

Merchants Accepting Pi Payments with Terms & Conditions

Merchants of this type accept payments in Pi for 30% of the total purchase, while the remaining 70% must be paid in fiat currency. Why do they do this? Typically, these merchants require fiat currency payments to replenish their product stocks and keep their businesses running smoothly. The remaining 30% in Pi is considered profit, even though the standard value of Pi is still unknown. They follow the Pi consensus value, ranging from 314,159$ to 314,159$ per Pi.

This action strikes a balance between business needs and interests in the growth of the Pi Network. For them, Pi is a potential long-term investment, and they are willing to accept part of the payment in this form.

Merchants Accepting Full Pi Payments with Shipping Fees

Merchants of this type have decided to accept full payments in Pi for their goods and services. However, there's one condition: shipping fees will be charged to customers in fiat currency. Why so? Because there are currently no logistics services accepting Pi as payment.

This is a significant step in supporting the Pi Network, but it also considers customer convenience. While customers can pay for goods with Pi, fiat-based shipping fees are a practical way to ensure that products reach customers.

Merchants Accepting Full Pi Payments for Various Needs

Merchants of this type accept full payments in Pi for various needs, such as groceries, bills, gadgets, home accessories, and more. However, they have a selective policy. They only serve Pioneers or customers they know.

Why the selectivity? Because the financial resources of these merchants are limited, and they want to ensure that the Pi they receive stays within the Pi Network community. The Pi consensus value they use ranges from 314,159$ to 31,415.9$ per Pi, depending on the product or service they offer.

Merchants Accepting Full Pi Payments + Free Shipping

Merchants of this type have gone a step further by accepting full payments in Pi and offering free shipping. This is a great opportunity for Pi holders who want to spend their currency. However, there's one important note: the consensus value they use is much lower compared to other merchants.

This may sound beneficial to buyers, but it could also be a marketing tactic to encourage people to use Pi more. However, for Pioneers with limited Pi in their wallets, it might be challenging to shop with these merchants.

Although the consensus value of Pi differs among the four types of merchants mentioned above, they are all equally important in contributing to the growth of the Pi Network ecosystem. They have all invested and taken risks in accepting Pi as payment. We can see that the Pi Network is still in an experimental phase, and Pi has yet to establish a definite standard value.

In the Pi Network ecosystem, the diversity of these types of merchants illustrates the level of acceptance and the variety of business strategies contributing to the growth of this cryptocurrency. All these merchants play a key role in realizing the Pi Network's vision of creating a cryptocurrency that is easy to use for everyone worldwide.

PS: I'd like to remind readers to always value their Pi. In the future, the value of Pi on the open mainnet may be more than enough to meet your daily needs.

we can see that Pi Network is not just about cryptocurrency but also about community and the development of a larger ecosystem. Merchants from various parts of the world play a vital role in enabling people to use Pi in ways that suit their needs. In doing so, they play a key role in realizing the Pi Network's vision of creating a cryptocurrency that is accessible to everyone globally.

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