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Breaking! $314,159 Barter GCV in the Pi Network Ecosystem: A Message from a Financial Expert - hokanews


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Breaking! $314,159 Barter GCV in the Pi Network Ecosystem: A Message from a Financial Expert - hokanews

Dear community members of the Philippine Pi Nation Society,

I humbly convey this message to you, asking for your attention and participation.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Mike Sta. Ana, the founder of TPG, for inviting me to provide advice on online GCV bartering. It's really an honor for me to be here. Due to the time difference, I couldn't attend the meeting in person as it fell on my bedtime at 3am. Therefore, I recorded this voicemail to provide a comprehensive understanding of GCV bartering. Please note that my message is intended solely for reference purposes and should not be considered financial advice or a request to use GCV $314,159. It is important that you engage in bartering within your means and only utilize GCV if you have a thorough understanding and truly believe that it is in your best interests.

I have a professional background in economics, finance, accounting and tax in the United States. Previously, I held the prestigious title of US Certified Public Accountant and currently hold the respected position as a licensed tax professional EA in the country. Therefore, my main focus lies in ensuring the long-term success of projects and providing thorough financial analysis based on effective risk control measures.

The Filipino community has shown extraordinary performance and I am happy to witness your active involvement in community education and ecosystem development. In addition, the widespread acceptance of GCV of $314,159 is also commendable. I extend my sincere appreciation to the Filipino community for your extraordinary dedication to the Pi Network and the GCV community.

Mr Mike Sta. Ana kindly seeks my advice regarding bartering at GCV rates. Although I accepted this invitation in haste, I managed to formulate some of the recommendations outlined below:

Why is the $314,159 GCV Attractive?

To start with, I'd like to propose an understanding of the reasons behind our support of the $314,159 GCV. My thorough analysis and research conducted on platforms like Hockanews and Twitter have laid the theoretical foundation for evaluating their feasibility. Also, it is important to check the global status of the $314,159 GCV. Over the course of one year, the Chinese community has received a large number of GCV, and is showing a significant adoption rate. In particular, offline bartering practices in China show deep respect for GCV, with an estimated total value exceeding 100 million USD. These estimates were obtained from reliable sources in China's leading communities including Hebei, Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan, and Anhui provinces, as well as nearly 300 Pioneer Pi clubs. Therefore, it becomes clear that the $314,159 GCV goes beyond mere numerical significance; rather it represents a real transaction in which multiple traders have invested their inventory and funds.

GCV requirement of $314,159

Also, it is important to understand the reasons behind the need for the $314,159 GCV. In addition, we must evaluate the most effective strategies as traders. Some people argue that bartering is appropriate for accumulating large amounts of Pi for a low cost, such as $1, $10, or $100. It is possible that you may find this approach clever and compliant with Pi Network guidelines. However, it is important to note that Pi Network has yet to achieve success and is currently not available on the exchange market. This shows their unwavering commitment to their mission.

Pi had to start its journey at a high and stable enough price to prevent the pioneers from committing a mass selloff at the opening of the mainnet. The availability of Pi owned by pioneers during the three-year lock-in period is critical to the development of the Pi ecosystem. Moreover, as Pi wants to become a super-sovereign currency capable of serving as a global settlement currency, its value and price must increase in order to facilitate massive international trade.

Unified Pricing Structure

The third point to consider relates to the need for an integrated pricing structure. When studying Chinese history, especially the Qin Dynasty era, we can observe the unification of six different countries and their respective currencies. Let us now explore the significance and implications associated with this currency consolidation.

Qin Shihuang's adoption of a unified currency effectively resolved the turbulent scenario characterized by differences in currency shape, weight and size that were prevalent during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. This measure succeeded in overcoming the challenges associated with currency conversion, removing the barriers impeding commodity exchange caused by currency differences, and significantly supporting economic and social progress.

Based on this historical analysis, it becomes clear that a stable, unified currency with consistent prices is essential for a developing economy. The prosperity of the Pi Network ecosystem is highly dependent on implementing a standardized pricing system, as price variations can hinder its development.

Price Unification Process

How can traders effectively coordinate and align prices with GCV? I recommend merchants to start by implementing smaller items to collect more data on the blockchain. This approach will allow us to focus on potential impacts and protect against investment risks. It is not recommended to introduce high-value products immediately. However, it would be beneficial to announce our intention to do so once the pioneers have managed to unify certain price limits. This will help drive rapid adoption of our ecosystem. It is important to note that we do not mandate or enforce the use of GCV pricing, and traders should proceed at their own pace.

In conclusion, it is important for traders and ecosystem participants to consider their true desires - whether they want to collect more Pi or contribute to the success of the Pi Network. The value of holding one's Pi becomes obsolete if the overall success of Pi cannot be achieved. Therefore, applying a low price carries a large risk. It is important to reiterate that the risks associated with the ecosystem do not originate from GCV but rather from price variations, especially prices set at lower levels.

By comparing the different options for wealth accumulation, it is possible to determine the most optimal choice. While many people may believe that acquiring a larger number of Pi is a profitable decision, I have a different point of view. In my view, dedicating effort to increasing the price of Pi is a safer approach and yields much higher profits. This is mainly due to the fact that increasing demand for Pi leads to a decrease in price, which further poses risks to the long-term viability of the project. On the other hand, the GCV option promises long-term success and offers a fairly high price. By choosing GCV, a person can potentially earn 31,415 times more than their initial investment of $10. Moreover, we can see that GCV has captured the hearts of most of the pioneers. And any GCV trader or ecosystem will attract a lot of attention.

However, as we continue to develop and move forward on this journey, it is important to remain open to new ideas and have constructive discussions. We are a strong and united community, and together we can achieve Pi Network ecosystem success.

Thank you for your attention and I convey my best wishes for today's meeting.

God bless you and peace!

Doris Yin in Toronto Canada 02/09/2023