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Pi Network: Success Story of Ruddy Solangs (uncleRuso) in Building Pi Kawanua Community and Connecting Pioneers Worldwide for the Success of GCV $314,159 in the Pi Ecosystem - hokanews


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Hello Pioneers,

Good evening to everyone I respect and love, I feel proud and happy to be together here. Pi Network has united us like a big family, even though we were initially strangers. It's truly remarkable, you know it. Finally, I formed a community in my area, namely the Pi Kawanua Community, and I also built good relationships with global pioneers, all thanks to the kind assistance of my dear sister, DorisYin. Because of her education, I had the courage to learn more about GCV $314,159, even traveling to China and meeting amazing people who share the same views on GCV. I want to express my gratitude to Mr. Liu Xin Hui, Mr. Pin, Mrs. Christina, and the entire Pi family in Dongguan, as well as my dear friend, Mr. Jiao Xing, in Hebei.

After returning from China, I immediately took action to promote GCV to the whole community, and as a result, the entire community in Indonesia held a big meeting with even more enthusiasm to support Pi GCV $314,159. We will never stop promoting GCV because it is the most ideal consensus value for the Pi Network Open Mainnet, and for the Pi Network's long-term or even perpetual survival.


In general, our aim is to introduce everyone to the new Pi cryptocurrency, an invention that incorporates all cryptocurrencies, evolving into the world's first super-sovereign digital money, owned by all countries. Pi Network is a decentralized, secure, immutable, non-counterfeiting, and easy-to-operate digital currency. Its goal is to overcome current global economic problems and promptly promote an open network.


 INVITE EVERYONE: All entrepreneurs and professionals around me or anywhere to join Pi Network and obtain wealth assets for free by mining Pi coins every day.

CONTINUE TO NURTURE PIONEER COMMUNITIES: Stay active in acquiring as much Pi as possible and exchanging it daily, prioritizing basic needs at Pi GCV $314,159. With more and more businesses and professionals becoming co-providers and service participants within the Pi Network, the ecosystem matures rapidly. The support from traders and community pioneers worldwide in exchanging Pi GCV $314,159 greatly aids the core team in completing App integration into Pi SDK and the KYC processes, greatly supporting the Pi Network project to open Mainnet soon.

PI NETWORK, with web 3.0 blockchain technology, with Pi as the super-sovereign digital money owned by all countries, and everyone will be part of the Pi Network Ecosystem. Let all pioneers worldwide unite in heart and mind, joining hands to support the $314,159 GCV Pi.

Let's be successful together with Pi Network. May God bless us all.

Thank you very much.

July 22, 2023.

Warm regards,

Ruddy Solangs (uncleRuso) - Indonesia Community Leader & Founder of Pi Kawanua

Article source from Doris Yin