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Zhang Hanyu: Strengthening Collaboration with Pi Network to Improve Ecosystem and Launch Mainnet - hokanews

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Zhang Hanyu: Strengthening Collaboration with Pi Network to Improve Ecosystem and Launch Mainnet - hokanews 

Good evening, esteemed leaders, entrepreneurs, and pioneers from all over China, both present here and listening online! Allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Zhang Hanyu, and I hail from Shijiazhuang, Hebei. I serve as the Regional Sales Manager and General Manager of the International Trade Department at Shijiazhuang Warrior Lubricants Co., Ltd. Additionally, I am a partner at Shenzhen Likelme Cosmetics Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hong Kong Likelme International Cosmetics Group. Moreover, I hold the position of President of the Hebei Pi Community. Today, I am here to share my thoughts on collaborating with the project team to promote the launch of the mainnet.


To begin with, I believe that the mainnet launch requires three conditions. The first condition is technological maturity, the second is ecological maturity, and the third is the maturity of market value consensus. In my personal opinion, 50% of these conditions depend on the project team, while the remaining 50% rely on the merchants and pioneers in the market. 

The project team is responsible for ensuring technological maturity. On June 6th last year, the project team announced the launch of the Pi public chain, which stands as the world's only Web 3.0 public chain. Up until now, the technological maturity required for opening the mainnet has been achieved.


Now, let's delve into the second condition, ecological maturity, which can be divided into two parts: online and offline. In terms of online maturity, from the first and second hackathons last year to the third hackathon in May this year, over 6,000 merchants have actively participated in online ecological construction. Currently, more than 360 of them have successfully migrated to the mainnet, and over 20 ecologies are undergoing mainnet testing in collaboration with the project team. The monthly hackathons have become a regular occurrence, indicating that the online ecosystem has met the conditions for opening the mainnet.


However, the offline ecosystem requires further construction and connection from various communities and associations. Presently, the offline ecosystem, supported by our Hebei Province Pi Community, has garnered support from nearly 20 businesses accepting GCV. One GCV payment unit is equivalent to 314,159 US dollars. On June 30th, we held the First Hebei Shijiazhuang Web 3.0 Token Economy Summit and Barter Fair in the revolutionary holy land of Xibaipo. 

Participating goods included different brands of red and white wine, various types of tea, on-site testing services provided by the National Pharmaceutical Medical Health Center, medical health therapy cards, water dispensers, cosmetics, and more. The total value of the participating goods and services reached 2.4368 million yuan. Through these practical actions, we supported GCV with a price of 314,159 and generated tens of thousands of transaction data. The Hebei Pi Community continues its efforts to build the offline ecosystem and is actively recruiting businesses from different industries to empower the community.


Next, let's discuss the importance of high consensus value. In the past, the fragrance of wine wasn't afraid of the depth of the alley. Nowadays, in the era of internet technology and self-media, even the fragrance of wine fears the depth of the alley, highlighting the significance of the Pi public chain and the community. We want the project team to witness our active cooperation, as well as the prepared mindset and actions we have taken to promote the mainnet launch.


In conclusion, a combination of public education and practical actions to create transaction data is essential for opening the mainnet. This responsibility falls upon every Pi pioneer, not just businesses and proactive pioneers. To those pioneers who wait, rely, demand, and remain idle, I say that success doesn't come from waiting; it's achieved through proactive actions. If you feel you lack the ability, resources, or time to empower Pi, I urge you to adopt a grateful and positive attitude.

You can keep your Lightning network active, remain silent, and patiently wait. But please, refrain from complaining or blaming those pioneers who carry the burden of empowering Pi. The mainnet launch is the collective wish and aspiration of all pioneers. Let us unite and make joint efforts to accelerate the mainnet opening and achieve financial freedom as soon as possible!

Article source from Doris Yin