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The Launch of Pi Showroom: Ridho Irawan Presents a Revolutionary Application Supporting Pi Network's Digital Economy - hokanews

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The Launch of Pi Showroom: Ridho Irawan Presents a Revolutionary Application Supporting Pi Network's Digital Economy - hokanews

Ridho Irawan Business Ambassador - Pi Network - Indonesia. Pi Showroom/Pi Global Showroom Founder.

Global pioneers, ladies and gentlemen event participants :


would like to raise my speech about,




Best wishes for all of us.

Introducing my name  Ridho Irawan a pioneer from Indonesia. Pi Showroom/Pi Global

Showroom Founder.


On January 1, 2023, I attempted to download the Pi Network application after being invited by a friend named Marthin to join Pi Network. I was intrigued by the opportunity Pi Network provided to obtain free wealth through daily mining of Pi coins. This is an excellent opportunity amidst the ongoing global economic crisis. Pi Network offers people from all walks of life the chance to attain free wealth by mining Pi every day.


Upon thoroughly studying Pi Network, I decided to participate in the Pi Browser Hackathon program. Utilizing my IT expertise, I created an Online Shop application named Pi Showroom and submitted it as a proposal on the Brainstrom Pi Browser page.


I humbly seek the support of all pioneers in Indonesia and from around the world. As time passed, Indonesian pioneers showed tremendous enthusiasm in supporting Pi Showroom, which subsequently achieved the top rank in Mr. Woody's Pi Revolution.


To the global pioneers, I express my deep gratitude to all those who supported Pi Showroom and contributed to its establishment. The genuine enthusiasm of Indonesian pioneers, continuously providing their support with the collective aspiration to improve our social standing, is truly heartening.


At last, the Pi SHOWROOM application stands strong, connecting with the global Pi Network community. As the President of Pi Showroom, I aim to support the success of Pi Network by contributing to Indonesian pioneers, and we stand united in supporting Pi GCV 314159.


Global pioneers, we have overcome numerous obstacles and challenges. However, our spirit must persist in unison with Pi Shop Global (Pi Showroom) towards extraordinary aspirations. We plan to hold a significant event in Indonesia on December 31, 2023.


We pray that this event will be successful and blessed by the Almighty. I sincerely ask for the support of all global pioneers, joining together in prayer for the smooth execution of this event, supporting the work of Coreteam and Pi Network, which is about to launch the Mainnet.


The event we will be hosting marks an important milestone for Pi Showroom. We named it "GEBYAR PELUNCURAN APLIKASI PI GLOBAL SHOWROOM UNTUK MENDUKUNG PI NETWORK MEREVOLUSI EKONOMI DUNIA DIGITAL" ("Celebrating the Launch of the Pi Global Showroom Application to Support Pi Network's Digital Economy Revolution"). We hope to present relevant officials in the digital money industry during this event to support the success of Pi Network.


Moreover, it is essential for Indonesian officials to have the opportunity to meet with the founder of Pi Global Showroom and its supporting pioneers.


We hope that all Indonesian pioneers, Pi Global/Pi Showroom, will promptly open Mainnet in the ecosystem. This enclosed Mainnet period holds significant meaning for Indonesian pioneers.


So tonight, I convey to the world's pioneers: Let us continue supporting Pi GCV $314,159 to promptly launch Pi Network's Mainnet.


Thank you.

July 22, 2023

Ridho Irawan

Business Ambassador - Pi Network Indonesia.

Article source from Doris Yin