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Pioneers' Awareness: The Key to Pi Network Project's Success and Challenges Ahead of Mainnet - hokanews


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Pioneers' Awareness: The Key to Pi Network Project's Success and Challenges Ahead of Mainnet - hokanews

Ladies and gentlemen, leaders, and pioneers, may your time be pleasant. First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers for their efforts in hosting this important conference, where we will clarify crucial matters that pioneers haven't fully understood yet.

Respected pioneers, are you aware that the success of the currency depends on your awareness? After June 28th, community leaders faced a very difficult challenge, which was controlling people's angry and sad reactions. 

They believed that the open mainnet would be launched on June 28th due to unofficial news and also due to their diminishing patience, and I am highly confident that they will sell the currency at a very low price compared to GCV at the moment of the open mainnet launch, which would result in project failure.

The Core Team will not allow the open mainnet to launch before pioneers understand their importance and role in this project. Dear pioneers, we have been named pioneers because we are a significant part of this project, and we can contribute to its success. We are not miners; this name will be given to those who come after us, after we prove to the world what Pi Network is.

Therefore, as I mentioned in the previous conference and other occasions, supporting GCV is not just a request for wealth; it is a continuation of a great project that has taken years of planning and execution.

Like other community leaders, I have a great responsibility, which is to raise awareness among my people about the value of the wealth they have on their devices, wealth that can be wasted for very cheap prices. And we are all aware of how much Pi can improve the situation of an entire country.

If the mainnet is launched without supporting a high price for the currency, this project, the new economic order, will fail. The rich will buy the currency from the poor in large quantities, and the same problem will remain without a solution, a large gap between the rich and the poor.

No matter what happens, we will not allow this to occur. We will not allow the gap between the rich and the poor to widen further. The world is economically suffering, and Pi Network is the ideal and only solution. This is our last chance to make history, dear pioneers.

In conclusion, as I always say, with unity, nothing can prevent us.

Thank you.

Article source from Doris Yin
