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GOOD NEWS: Company Valued at $2.5 Billion Connected to Pi Network SDK: Forging a Strategic Partnership with Vercel Inc - HOKANEWS


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GOOD NEWS: Company Valued at $2.5 Billion Connected to Pi Network SDK: Forging a Strategic Partnership with Vercel Inc - HOKANEWS

hokanews.com - In the increasingly developing world of blockchain technology, collaboration between large technology companies and blockchain projects is becoming the center of attention. Recently, Pi Network, a cryptocurrency project whose vision is to empower individuals and communities around the world, has entered into a strategic partnership with Vercel Inc, a leading $2.5 billion cloud computing service provider based in the United States. This partnership marks an important milestone in strengthening the Pi Network ecosystem and unlocking the potential to deliver a more inclusive and innovative global financial future.

Vercel Inc. is a technology company that has built a strong reputation for providing advanced cloud computing services for web applications. With a broad and diverse user base, Vercel provides reliable and efficient infrastructure for a variety of projects, from small to large-scale applications.

Pi Network is a cryptocurrency project with an ambitious vision to empower users worldwide with inclusive and decentralized access to finance. As part of the move towards Open Mainnet, the Pi Core Team has partnered with Vercel Inc and engaged them in piloting the Pi Network Software Development Kit (SDK).

As part of this partnership, Vercel Inc is actively involved in building Decentralized Applications (Dapps) on the Pi ecosystem via its web platform. The http://vercel.app platform became the scene of an interesting experiment, in which Vercel created a subdomain "http://pi-qrcode.vercel.app" to connect the Pi Testnet SDK with Dapp content.

Its primary focus is on creating and testing QR codes, which can open up a wide range of new features and functionality within the Pi Network ecosystem. This experiment marks Vercel Inc's efforts to unlock the potential of blockchain technology and contribute to the development of impactful applications for Pi users.

With a user base of 47 million Pioneers worldwide, Pi Network is a highly sought-after cryptocurrency project and attracts the attention of important players in the technology industry such as Vercel Inc. The company's $2.5 billion involvement gives legitimacy and confidence to the Pi Network's technology.

The partnership between Vercel Inc and Pi Network has the potential to create a global impact in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Through this innovative collaboration, the Pi Network ecosystem is on track to become a relevant and relevant inclusive financial solution in this digital era.

The Pi Network Open Mainnet and SDK Trial are important milestones in the journey of Pi Network, a cryptocurrency project that aims to empower individuals and communities around the world with inclusive financial access.

Open Mainnet: Opening Doors to Financial Freedom

The Open Mainnet is a critical stage in the development of the Pi Network. At this stage, the Pi Network is migrating from Testnet to Mainnet, which means the project is mature and ready for daily use. Open Mainnet opens the door for users to have full control over their digital assets and actively participate in a decentralized ecosystem.

Within the Mainnet, transactions made by users are recorded and verified by the network of users themselves, not by a central authority. This eliminates dependency on third parties and ensures transparency in every activity on the network.

With Open Mainnet, Pi Network moves forward to empower people around the world with broader and inclusive access to finance. Pi Network users can now send, receive, and store their digital assets safely and seamlessly, opening up opportunities for growth and sustainability within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Pi Network SDK Pilot: Connecting to a Decentralized Future

The Pi Network Software Development Kit (SDK) is an essential tool in the development of applications and services in the Pi ecosystem. In an effort to continuously improve and optimize this ecosystem, Pi Network has piloted an SDK with Vercel Inc, a leading $2.5 billion cloud computing service provider based in the United States.

Through this pilot, Vercel Inc is actively involved in building Decentralized Applications (Dapps) in the Pi ecosystem. Using the Vercel web platform, the company created a subdomain "http://pi-qrcode.vercel.app" as an experiment to connect the Pi Testnet SDK with Dapp content.

This experiment focuses on building and testing QR codes, which have the potential to unlock new possibilities of features and functionality within the Pi Network ecosystem. These trials provide valuable insights for developers and members of the Pi Network community, and enrich the ecosystem with innovative and powerful applications.

Positive Impact on the Future of Global Finance

Vercel Inc's involvement in the pilot of the Pi Network SDK marks an important step forward in delivering a decentralized and inclusive financial future. Through collaborations with major technology companies such as Vercel Inc, Pi Network is cementing its position as an innovative blockchain project sought after by major players in the technology industry.

The Pi Network's Open Mainnet and SDK trials open opportunities for people around the world to take control of their own financial future, without geographical or institutional boundaries standing in the way. With the active involvement of the Pi Network community and the participation of leading technology companies, the future of inclusive and decentralized finance is becoming more real and accessible to everyone.

Vercel Inc, a leading $2.5 billion cloud computing service provider based in the United States, has played a key role in the Pi Network ecosystem, a cryptocurrency project that aims to empower individuals and communities around the world with inclusive financial access.

Building Decentralized Applications (Dapps)

As part of the strategic partnership with Pi Network, Vercel Inc has been actively involved in building Decentralized Applications (Dapps) in the Pi ecosystem via their web platform at http://vercel.app. Dapps are applications that run on blockchain, and Vercel's involvement in building Dapps aims to increase the potential and usability of blockchain technology in everyday life.

With a Pi Network user base of 47 million Pioneers worldwide, the Vercel web platform is an innovative way to bring Dapps that can be accessed by multiple users simultaneously. In doing so, Vercel Inc contributes to strengthening the Pi Network ecosystem and ensuring users have easy and convenient access to decentralized financial services.

Innovative Experiments with the Pi Testnet SDK

Vercel Inc has not only been involved in building Dapps, but has also been conducting innovative experiments with the Pi Testnet SDK. By creating the "http://pi-qrcode.vercel.app" subdomain, Vercel Inc provided an interesting experimental place for connecting the Pi Testnet SDK with Dapp content.

The main focus of this experiment is on the creation and testing of QR codes, an important feature in the Pi Network ecosystem that has the potential to open up new possibilities of features and functionality for users. This experiment marks Vercel Inc's determination to collaborate with Pi Network to optimize blockchain technology and empower decentralized applications.

Strengthening the Potential and Impact of the Pi Network Ecosystem

Vercel Inc's active involvement in the Pi Network ecosystem is a true testament to the potential and impact of this cryptocurrency project in the world of technology. This collaboration opens opportunities for Pi Network to bring relevant and useful decentralized financial services to millions of users around the world.

With $2.5 billion companies like Vercel Inc as partners, Pi Network increases its credibility as a serious and reliable blockchain project. These experiments and collaborations also add value to members of the Pi Network community and strengthen the attractiveness of this project to both users and developers.

In the increasingly advanced digital era, the challenges in global finance are increasingly complex. However, an innovative blockchain project called Pi Network has emerged with an ambitious vision to make a positive impact on the future of global finance.

Expanding Access to Finance for Millions

One of the most significant impacts of the Pi Network is expanding access to finance for millions of people around the world. With more than 47 million Pioneers who have joined the project, Pi Network has created an ecosystem that is inclusive and open to all levels of society, including those who previously had limited access to traditional financial services.

The Pi Network takes an easily accessible approach via a mobile app, enabling users to earn Pi cryptocurrency by performing everyday activities such as verifying transactions and inviting friends to join. In this way, Pi Network seeks to bridge the financial gap and empower individuals with access to secure and decentralized financial services.

Offering Efficient and Safe Financial Services

In the Pi Network ecosystem, transactions are carried out in a decentralized manner over a network of users, which means that there is no central authority controlling the financial process. This provides higher security as there is less risk of data leakage or theft of financial information.

In addition, the financial services within the Pi Network are driven by efficient blockchain technology. Transactions are carried out at low fees and without dependence on third parties, thus enabling users to make payments and transfers quickly and efficiently.

Presenting Active Engagement in the Financial Ecosystem

With support from leading technology companies such as Vercel Inc and other strategic partnerships, Pi Network has increased its credibility as a serious project in the blockchain ecosystem. This encourages the participation of more people in the financial ecosystem, both as users and developers of decentralized applications (Dapps).

Active involvement in the Pi Network ecosystem provides opportunities for individuals to contribute to the development of blockchain technology and benefit from the growing value of the Pi cryptocurrency. In doing so, the Pi Network drives awareness and engagement in the world of digital finance, opening the door for further developments in the future.

Strengthening the Innovative Role of Blockchain Technology

With a vision to empower individuals and communities around the world, Pi Network is bringing blockchain technology to the global financial landscape. The blockchain technology underlying the Pi Network enables transparency, security and efficiency in financial transactions.

The innovative role of blockchain technology in the Pi Network ecosystem also inspires further developments in this technology in various sectors. This opens the door for innovation in finance, logistics, digital identity and more, which has the potential to shape a more inclusive and sustainable financial future.

Pi Network is a blockchain project that aims to create a positive impact on the future of global finance. With a vision of inclusive and efficient financial access, Pi Network has expanded access to finance for millions of people around the world. With efficient and secure financial services, as well as active involvement in the financial ecosystem, Pi Network opens opportunities for a more inclusive and innovative financial future.

Through the innovative role of blockchain technology, Pi Network inspires further developments in the world of digital finance and opens doors for people to engage in the era of decentralized finance. With a growing spirit of innovation and collaboration, Pi Network is on the right track to deliver a more inclusive, secure and empowering global financial future.