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GOOD NEWS: Pi Barter Mall, Barter Officially Opened for Global Pioneers on a Large Scale - hokanews


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GOOD NEWS: Pi Barter Mall, Barter Officially Opened for Global Pioneers on a Large Scale - hokanews 

hokanews.com - Pi Barter Mall, the official barter platform that enables global pioneers to engage in the exchange of goods and services on a wide scale. Pi Barter Mall is a step forward in building an inclusive and sustainable Pi Network ecosystem, where users can use their Pi Coins to barter with other users around the world. In this article, hokanews will review in detail the functions and benefits offered by Pi Barter Mall.

The Barter function in Pi Barter Mall allows users to exchange goods and services using Pi Coins as a means of payment. Here is a more detailed explanation of the Barter function in this platform

Exchange of Goods and Services Pi Barter Mall provides a space for users to offer goods and services they have and seek goods or services they need from other users. In this barter system, users can find various categories of goods, ranging from electronic goods, fashion, property, to services such as graphic design, writing, or teaching.

Exchange with Pi Coins Pi Coins is a digital currency in the Pi Network ecosystem that is used as a means of payment in the Pi Barter Mall. Users can specify the desired Pi Coins exchange rate for the goods or services they are offering or looking for. By using Pi Coins, users can make barter transactions without the need to use traditional currency.

Transparency and Security Pi Barter Mall provides a transparent and secure mechanism for negotiations and exchanges. Users can view descriptions, conditions, and exchange rates for goods or services offered by other users. In addition, the security system integrated into the platform provides protection against fraud or unwanted activity.

Negotiations and Agreements Users can initiate a negotiation process with other users to reach mutually beneficial agreements. In this process, users can discuss the details of the exchange, such as the delivery of goods, service time, or additional conditions required. This negotiation allows users to reach an agreement that suits their individual needs and preferences.

Business Opportunity and Cultural Exchange Pi Barter Mall opens opportunities for business relations and cultural exchange among users from different countries and backgrounds. By exchanging goods and services, users can expand their network, forge business partnerships, or even explore cultures and traditions from different regions.

With the Barter function offered by Pi Barter Mall, users can use their Pi Coins to exchange goods and services with other users in the Pi Network ecosystem. This function provides an opportunity for global pioneers to participate in a sustainable shared economy and create real value from their digital assets.

Barter Function in Pi Barter Mall

The Barter function in Pi Barter Mall is one of the main features that allows users to exchange goods and services using Pi Coins as a means of payment. Here is a more detailed explanation of the Barter function in this platform

Goods Exchange Pi Barter Mall provides a space for users to offer the items they have and search for the items they want. Users can post a list of items they wish to offer, including a description, item condition, images, and desired exchange rate in Pi Coins. Examples of items that can be exchanged include electronics, clothing, accessories, household appliances, and many more.

Service Exchange In addition to goods, users can also offer services they are good at and search for the services they need. Exchangeable services include graphic design, writing, teaching, equipment repair, customer service, and a variety of other fields. Users can offer a description of the service, the number of hours offered, and the exchange rate in Pi Coins.

Negotiations and Offers Once users have found goods or services they are interested in, they can begin the negotiation process with other users. Users can discuss the details of the exchange, such as determining a more suitable exchange rate, delivery of goods, service processing time, or additional conditions needed. Through the negotiation process, users can reach mutually beneficial agreements.

Transparency and Security Pi Barter Mall maintains transparency and security in the exchange process. Users can view detailed information about the goods or services offered, including descriptions, conditions, images, and exchange rates in Pi Coins. In addition, the integrated security system protects users from fraud or unwanted activity.

Delivery and Exchange Completion Once an agreement is reached, the user can arrange the delivery of the goods or organize a meeting to complete the service exchange. Users can choose an agreed delivery method, such as delivery by courier or meeting in person at an agreed place. By ensuring proper delivery and completion, the exchange of goods and services can be carried out successfully.

Network Enhancement and Business Opportunity Through the Barter function, users have the opportunity to expand their network and establish business relationships. The exchange of goods and services can open opportunities for collaboration and partnership with other users in the Pi Barter Mall ecosystem. In addition, through exchanges with users from various backgrounds, users can learn new cultures and customs and forge valuable social connections.

Related to Pi Barter Mall, Bartering is Officially Open for Global Pioneers on a Wide Scale This was conveyed by the official Twitter account @pibartermall until this article was written, monitoring hokanews.com from posts uploaded by the Twitter account @pibartermall they said the following:

🌅Pi Barter Mall new features released! The world premiere of the function has been launched! Laibu Kumai Mall Balance Recharge, Transfer, Withdraw Coin, Barter Officially open to global pioneers 

Function introduction and use tutorial https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/JC6YDgSTmAXcZ9Wny3k5hA

🚀 Transfer function:

The transfer function of the pi barter mall wallet allows you to transfer money to any pi barter mall user worldwide. You only need to enter the recipient's username and ID, and then enter the transfer amount to complete the transfer operation. In addition, the transfer operation takes effect immediately, and the other party receives the money immediately without delay. This transfer function also has the following features: No matter where you are or where the other party is, as long as you are a user of pi barter mall, you can transfer money globally

🚂 Transfer features:

Global Interoperability: No matter where the other party is, as long as they are users of pi barter mall, they can transfer money.

Unlimited transfers: As long as your mall wallet has a balance, you can transfer money to countless merchants or buyers. If there is no balance, you can recharge online or ask for it from users with balance

Seconds to the account: The transfer operation takes effect immediately, and the other party receives the money immediately.

Privacy and security: transfer records will not be publicly displayed on the blockchain to protect privacy and security

🚁 Withdrawal function:

The withdrawal function of the Pi barter mall wallet allows you to freely control your balance anytime, anywhere, and at the same time withdraw the balance to the Kyc wallet address to achieve free control. Merchants, collectors, and ordinary users can also apply for withdrawal, and withdraw the balance to the Kyc wallet address. And the extraction record will not be displayed in the blockchain, only you can query it, effectively protecting user privacy and security

🛸 Recharge function:

The Pi barter mall wallet also provides a top-up function, allowing you to conveniently deposit funds into your own mall wallet. You only need to select the recharge amount and payment method to complete the recharge operation. The recharge function supports official payment methods

🌠 Recharge Features:

Safe: Official payment methods are supported.

Fast: Get the account in seconds, allowing you to control your assets anytime, anywhere.

Savings: Save countless official 0.01 handling fees

🏎️ Balance to purchase products from other merchants:

In addition to the above two functions, the pi barter mall wallet has another important feature: users can use their balance to purchase goods from other merchants. This means that if you have enough balance on hand, you can buy your favorite items on the mall without having to wait for Kyc. This method is convenient for buyers and solves business turnover, bringing more convenience to your shopping experience

🛳️ Features of purchasing goods with balance:

Fast and convenient: use the wallet balance of the mall to purchase goods without transferring funds again and save countless times the official 0.01 handling fee.

Safe and reliable: the mall wallet payment system adopts multiple security measures to provide the greatest protection for your payment

🚄 The functions of transfer, withdrawal, recharge and purchase of goods from other merchants with the balance of the Pi Barter Wallet form a complete wealth flow system, allowing you to easily realize the turnover of funds, shopping and payment needs. Whether you are a merchant, a collector or an ordinary user, the pi barter mall wallet will become your best partner and turnaround tool, providing maximum convenience and protection

Twitter image source

How to Use Pi Barter Mall

Pi Barter Mall is a platform that allows users to exchange goods and services using Pi Coins. Here are detailed steps to use Pi Barter Mall:

Signup and Login To use Pi Barter Mall, you need to register an account and login to the platform. If you don't have an account yet, follow the registration process provided. If you already have an account, enter your login credentials to access your account.

Browse and Search Once logged in, you can start browsing and searching for the goods or services that interest you. Use the search feature or browse the available categories to find a list of goods and services available at Pi Barter Mall.

Post Goods or Services If you want to offer goods or services, you can post your listings. Provide a clear description of the goods or services you offer, including pictures, condition of the goods, and desired exchange rate in Pi Coins. Be sure to provide accurate and interesting information so that other users will be interested in your offers.

Negotiating If other users are interested in your offer, they can start the negotiation process with you. Discuss the details of the exchange, such as a more suitable exchange rate, delivery of the goods, or additional terms that need to be agreed upon. Through the negotiation process, you can reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Agreeing on an Exchange Once the negotiations are complete, and an agreement is reached, clearly define the details of the exchange. Determine the method of delivery of goods or the schedule for providing services agreed by both parties. Make sure to follow a secure process and ensure that all terms are agreed upon before proceeding with the exchange.

Exchanging Once the details of the exchange have been agreed, carry out delivery of goods or provision of services according to the agreement. If you are exchanging goods, be sure to ensure that they are properly packed and according to the agreed shipping method. If you provide a service, be sure to deliver the service within the agreed time.

Exchange Confirmation Once an exchange has been completed, confirmation that the goods or services were properly received. If there are problems or complaints regarding the exchange, immediately communicate with other users to find a solution that satisfies both parties.

By following the steps above, you can use Pi Barter Mall to exchange goods and services with other users in the Pi Network ecosystem. It is important to maintain clear communication, transparency, and follow secure processes to ensure a positive and mutually beneficial exchange experience for all parties involved.

Pi Barter Mall is an innovative platform that allows users within the Pi Network ecosystem to exchange goods and services using Pi Coins. Through the Barter feature, users can leverage their digital assets and derive real value from them.

In using Pi Barter Mall, the steps to follow are registering and logging in to an account, browsing and searching for goods or services, posting offers, negotiating with other users, agreeing on exchange details, executing exchanges, and confirming exchanges.

By using Pi Barter Mall, users can interact with the global Pi Network community, obtain the goods or services they need, and empower their digital assets with real value. This platform provides an opportunity to build a sustainable community-based economy, where users can support each other and collaborate.

By maintaining clear communication, transparency and following a secure process, users can optimize their experience at Pi Barter Mall and make it a reliable source to meet their needs and execute mutually beneficial exchanges. Through Pi Barter Mall, Pi Network continues to expand and strengthen the Web3 ecosystem which is innovative and empowers users.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining device battery. The Pi blockchain secures economic transactions through a mobile meritocracy system and a complete Web3 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

That's a little information that we can share with all the pi network communities.  
Hopefully this is useful, keep the spirit, don't give up.
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Thanks to all the pioneers, warm greetings from the hokanews team.  Information from the pi network community for all pioneers