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Chengdiao Fan Exposes Web3's Role in Dealing with Information Overload, Misinformation, Trolling, and Online Violence in the Web2 Age - hokanews


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Chengdiao Fan Exposes Web3's Role in Dealing with Information Overload, Misinformation, Trolling, and Online Violence in the Web2 Age - hokanews

hokanews.com - In this increasingly advanced digital era, the role of social media and online platforms in our daily lives is increasingly important. However, it cannot be denied that the use of social media on Web2 also has significant drawbacks. One of the most prominent problems is information overload. With widespread access to content online, users often encounter an abundance of information, including news, opinion and other content flooding their feeds. This can lead to information fatigue and difficulties in distinguishing relevant and accurate information.

In addition, the problem of misinformation is also increasing on Web2. Hoaxes, false rumors, and misinformation often spread quickly through social media, causing the spread of harmful and disturbing fake news. Furthermore, there is also the problem of trolling, which is condescending and aggressive behavior in the online space. Trolls often flood comments with insulting, harassing, and even verbally attacking other users. As a result, healthy communication and constructive dialogue are hampered.

Additionally, internet violence, including online harassment, threats, and bullying, has become a matter of concern. In an anonymous digital environment, individuals often feel free to commit acts of violence without real consequences. This can cause serious psychological trauma and impact on the victim.

In this context, Chengdiao Fan, a technology expert, has highlighted the need for Web3 as a solution to overcome these shortcomings. Web3 promises a new paradigm supported by decentralized technology, especially blockchain technology, which can overcome the problems that exist in Web2. In this article, we will explore Chengdiao Fan's views on the role of Web3 in overcoming information overload, misinformation, trolling, and online violence in the Web2 era.

Redundant Information

Information overload is becoming one of the main challenges faced in the Web2 environment. In this digital era, we have unlimited access to various sources of information through social media, news sites, blogs and other online platforms. However, information overload often causes confusion and difficulties in processing relevant and accurate information.

In a Web2 environment, users often experience information overload in the form of news content, articles, posts, and videos constantly appearing in their feeds. This can lead to information fatigue, where users feel overwhelmed by the amount of information they have to deal with. As a result, it is important for users to be able to distinguish valid, accurate, and useful information from information that is meaningless or unreliable.

The importance of addressing this problem of information overload drove the development of Web3. In Web3, blockchain technology plays a key role in creating a more transparent, decentralized and verifiable system. Information recorded in the blockchain is accessible to all parties with greater clarity and reliability. This provides an opportunity to address concerns about the correctness and validity of information spread across Web2.

In addition, Web3 can also benefit from a better concept of information curation. With a strong curation mechanism in place, relevant, quality and useful information can be provided to users. Curation based on reputation, user feedback, or intelligent algorithms can help users find more relevant content and minimize the impact of meaningless information.

Apart from that, Web3 also allows users to have greater control over their personal data. In a Web2 environment, users often have to share their personal data with various platforms and services in order to access certain content or features. In Web3, users can take advantage of decentralized blockchain technology to manage and control access to their own data. This gives users greater trust and privacy, so they can be more selective about sharing their personal information.

Overall, Web3 promises to be a better solution to the problem of information overload in Web2. By leveraging blockchain technology, better information curation, greater control over personal data, and leveraging AI, Web3 can help users manage information more effectively and gain access to more meaningful and useful content.


Misinformation is one of the significant problems in the Web2 era. This refers to the spread of false, hoax or inaccurate information via social media and other online platforms. Misinformation can cover a wide range of topics, including health, politics, social issues and more. In a fast-connected digital environment, misinformation can easily spread quickly and influence user perceptions and actions.

On Web2, misinformation often arises as a result of the ease with which information can be shared and disseminated without adequate verification. Users can easily post false or unverified information, and it can quickly go viral through online social networks. Misinformation can also be spread with malicious intent, such as in an attempt to sway public opinion, generate financial gain, or create chaos.

The importance of tackling this problem of misinformation drives Web3's role as a potential solution. In Web3, blockchain technology can be used to create more transparent and verifiable systems. The information recorded in the blockchain has a verified track and is accessible to all parties. Thus, users can easily verify the truth and validity of the information they encounter.

In addition, Web3 can also take advantage of better information curation to address misinformation. Strong curation mechanisms can help identify and filter out inaccurate or fake content. Trusted curators or intelligent algorithms can help verify the truth of information before it is distributed to users. This will help minimize the spread of misinformation and provide access only to verified content.

Education and awareness also play an important role in tackling misinformation. In Web3, education about digital literacy and critical skills in verifying information becomes even more important. Users must be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to recognize and evaluate valid information and understand the consequences of disseminating false or inaccurate information.

In addition, collaboration between users, platforms and interested parties can also help tackle misinformation. Within Web3, users can participate in the curation process, provide feedback, and report content that is questionable or inaccurate. The Platform may also implement measures to identify and remove inaccurate or questionable content. With strong partnerships, users and platforms can work together to reduce the spread of misinformation.

Overall, Web3 offers potential in addressing the misinformation problem in Web2. By using blockchain technology, better information curation, digital literacy education, and better collaboration between users and platforms, Web3 can help minimize the spread of misinformation and ensure access to more accurate and verified information.


Trolling is behavior that demeans, annoys, or attacks other users in the online space. Trollers often intentionally make provocative comments, spread hate, or engage in verbal intimidation with the intention of annoying others or triggering an emotional reaction.

In the Web2 environment, trolling often takes place on social media, online forums or comment sections on news platforms. Trollers may use anonymous or pseudonymous accounts to hide their identity, so they feel free to behave negatively without any immediate, tangible repercussions.

Trolling behavior has a detrimental impact on other users and can undermine the quality of healthy online dialogue and communication. Trollers often interrupt ongoing conversations, create an uncomfortable atmosphere, and even trigger fights or conflicts. This hinders the ability of other users to actively participate in meaningful discussions and benefit from online interactions.

Web3 has the potential to address the problem of trolling and promote healthier, more dignified communication. In Web3, blockchain technology can provide greater transparency in user identity and reputation. Users can have verified profiles accessible to all parties, so trollers will be more accountable for their behavior and may think twice before committing harmful actions.

In addition, Web3 can also benefit from a strengthened reputation mechanism. Users can provide feedback and ratings on the behavior and contributions of other users. Thus, user reputation can be an important factor influencing online interactions. Users with a good reputation are more respected and valued by the community, while users with a bad reputation may face sanctions or restrictions on their participation.

In addition, users and platforms can work together against trolling. Users can report trolling behavior to the platform, and the platform can take action to address violations and enforce policies that protect users from negative behavior. In Web3, with stronger community power and more active participation, users can also help identify trollers and stop the spread of harmful behavior.

Education and awareness are also important in overcoming trolling. In Web3, it is important to equip users with an understanding of digital ethics, respect for other users, and the consequences of trolling behavior. This education must start from an early age and continue to be strengthened as part of a healthy online culture.

In order to combat trolling, Web3 offers the potential to create an online environment that is more inclusive, dignified and free from harmful behavior. By leveraging blockchain technology, strengthened reputation mechanisms, collaboration between users and platforms, as well as comprehensive education, Web3 can bring about positive changes in tackling the problem of trolling in the Web2 era.

Related to Chengdiao Fan Revealing Web3's Role in Dealing with Excessive Information, Misinformation, Trolling, and Online Violence in the Web2 Era, this was conveyed by the Twitter account @PiRevolutionX monitoring by hokanews.com from posts uploaded by the Twitter account @PiRevolutionX, it was very clear that he conveyed that this article was written, posts uploaded by @PiRevolutionX are as follows:

Chengdiao Fan: “Web3 should solve some of the drawbacks or flaws of web2 social media, namely the overload of information, misinformation, trolling and internet violence..”


Twitter image source

Online violence

Online violence refers to acts of violence that occur in the digital world, such as threats, harassment, intimidation, or the spread of emotionally or physically harmful content. This can happen through social media, private messages, online forums or other communication platforms.

In the Web2 era, online violence has become a significant problem. The anonymity afforded by online platforms often allows perpetrators to commit acts of violence without fear of being identified or arrested. Online violence can affect the mental health, personal lives and safety of users who are targeted.

Online violence can take many forms, including verbal harassment, threats, dissemination of embarrassing content, insults, or systematic attacks against individuals or groups. In some cases, online violence can even lead to real-world actions.

Web3 has an important role to play in tackling the problem of online violence and creating a safe and inclusive digital environment. By using blockchain technology, Web3 can provide better security and more accurately track the identity of perpetrators. The transparency associated with blockchain technology can provide clear traces of violent acts taking place online.

In addition, Web3 can also take advantage of strengthened reputation mechanisms to identify and stop violent behavior. Users with a bad reputation for committing online violence may be subject to sanctions or restrictions on their online participation. This mechanism encourages users to take responsibility for their actions and encourages the adoption of better behavior.

Collaboration between users, platforms and interested parties is also important in addressing online violence. Users can report violent behavior to the platform, and the platform can take appropriate action to deal with violations and enforce policies that protect users from online violence. In Web3, communities can establish guidelines and standards of behavior that respect and protect their members.

Education and awareness also have a key role to play in tackling online violence. Education about digital ethics, understanding the consequences of online violence, and the ability to recognize and report violent behavior are important. By strengthening digital literacy and understanding of rights and responsibilities in a digital environment, users can be better able to protect themselves and others from online violence.

In conclusion, Web3 has the potential to tackle the problem of online violence by using blockchain technology, strengthened reputation mechanisms, collaboration between users and platforms, and education focused on digital awareness and literacy. Thus, it is hoped that an online environment that is safer, inclusive and free from violence can be created.

In the Web2 era marked by information overload, misinformation, trolling and online violence, Chengdiao Fan expressed the importance of Web3's role in addressing these challenges. In this article, we have gone into detail about the role of Web3 in tackling information overload, misinformation, trolling, and online violence.

introduced the importance of Web3 as an evolution of Web2, which offers innovative solutions to address the problems that exist in today's digital world. We also elaborate on Chengdiao Fan's statement about Web2's shortcomings in dealing with information overload, misinformation, trolling, and online violence.

about the flood of information in the digital era that can overwhelm users. We also discuss how Web3, with its decentralized approach and enhanced curation mechanisms, can help users filter and access more relevant and quality information.

misinformation and how Web3 can be an effective tool in fighting the spread of misinformation. Through blockchain technology, strengthened identity verification, and information transparency, Web3 can assist in ensuring the truth and legitimacy of information circulating in the digital space.

trolling and how Web3 can overcome this negative behavior. With strengthened reputation mechanisms, more accurate identification of users, and collaboration between users and platforms, Web3 can encourage more responsible behavior and reduce trolling in the online space.

outlines online violence and the role of Web3 in tackling this problem. Through more accurate identification, strengthened reputation mechanisms, collaboration between users and platforms, and education focused on digital ethics, Web3 can create an online environment that is safer and free from violence.

we can conclude that Web3 has great potential in tackling information overload, misinformation, trolling, and online violence. With a decentralized approach, strengthened reputation mechanisms, collaboration between users and platforms, and education focused on digital ethics, Web3 can bring about positive change and create a more secure, inclusive and dignified digital environment.

Through joint efforts and awareness of the importance of Web3, we can drive change to better address the challenges in the digital world and build a better community in the Web3 era.

 Keep learning, warm greetings from our HokaNews team to all pioneers around the world.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining device battery. The Pi blockchain secures economic transactions through a mobile meritocracy system and a complete Web3 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

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