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JUST IN: During Pi Day 2023, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis stated that Pi Network currently has two primary goals - hokanews

Pi Network Announces Mainnet Launch, Cryptocurrency Revolution Begins
JUST IN: During Pi Day 2023, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis stated that Pi Network currently has two primary goals - hokanews 

hokanews.com - On Pi Day 2023, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis, founder of Pi Network, announced the main vision and goals that will guide the development of the project.  Pi Network is a crypto project that aims to bring financial freedom to individuals around the world through the use of blockchain technology.  In his announcement, Dr.  Nicolas Kokkalis highlights two important aspects that Pi Network will focus on in the Closed mainnet, Bulk KYC and Building Utilities.

Mass KYC:

One of the main goals of Pi Network is to achieve Mass KYC (Know Your Customer) for most of the pioneers. KYC is the process of verifying a user's identity by collecting their personal information such as full name, address and identification number.  In the crypto world, KYC is necessary to ensure regulatory compliance and to fight illegal activities such as money laundering and terrorist financing.

By achieving Mass KYC, Pi Network is committed to building a solid foundation in terms of compliance and transparency. This will help maintain the trust of users, business partners and regulatory authorities in this project. The Bulk KYC process will enable Pi Network to better operate within the legal framework and provide a secure environment for users to transact.

Building Utility:

Apart from achieving Mass KYC, Pi Network also aims to develop building utilities.  Building utility refers to the features and functionality introduced in the Pi Network ecosystem to provide value and benefits to users.

In the context of the Pi Network, building utilities can involve using Pi coins to gain access to certain services, products or features in the network. For example, users can use pi coin to gain access to loyalty programs, discounts on partner services, or even to get a say in decisions regarding the development of the Pi Network.

By introducing building utilities, Pi Network strives to create a dynamic and valuable ecosystem for users. This could also drive wider adoption and use of Pi Coin, which in turn could increase the value of the Pi Network economy and ecosystem as a whole.

The combination of Mass KYC and building utility development is a strategic move for Pi Network in building a stable and sustainable future. By achieving Mass KYC, Pi Network affirms its commitment to compliance and regulation, while developing building utilities delivering real value to users and driving ecosystem growth.

Regarding the previous Pi Day 2023, Dr.  Nicolas Kokkalis stated that the Pi Network currently has two main goals, this was also shared by Pi Day 2023 earlier, Nicolas Kokkalis stated that the Pi Network currently has two main goals by one of the pi network community twitter accounts on Twitter.  hokanews.com monitoring of posts shared by the pi network community account on Twitter is as follows:

During the previous Pi Day 2023, Nicolas Kokkalis stated that Pi Network has two primary goals at present:

1. Achieving Mass KYC for the majority of pioneers.

2. Building utility.

 hokanews.com does not publish articles without sources, for more details see the image below:

Twitter image source 

Pi Network hopes that these steps will take this project to a higher level, by increasing user participation and involvement in the Pi Network ecosystem. In achieving these goals, the Pi Network will face several challenges and changes that need to be handled wisely.

First of all, achieving Mass KYC will be a significant step in building trust and compliance. Pi Network must ensure that the KYC process carried out is safe, efficient, and complies with applicable regulations.  This may involve the development of a sophisticated verification system and cooperation with the relevant regulatory authorities.

In addition, the development of building utilities also requires careful planning and fulfillment of user needs. Pi Network must understand well the needs and preferences of users and offer relevant and value added solutions.  This may involve collaborating with business partners and developing features according to market trends and demands.

Apart from these challenges, the Pi Network also needs to maintain clear and transparent communication with its community. Pi Network pioneers must be provided with a clear understanding of the goals, developments, and expected benefits of Bulk KYC and building utility developments. This will help maintain engagement and support from the Pi Network community.

Pi Network has defined two main goals in its current Closed mainnet that will guide its development going forward: Bulk KYC and Building Utilities. In pursuing Mass KYC, the pi network project is committed to achieving compliance and transparency, while building utility development aims to deliver real value and benefits to users. In achieving this goal, the Pi Network will face challenges that need to be addressed carefully. However, with a strategic approach and collaboration with its community, Pi Network hopes to build a stable and successful future in the piblockchain ecosystem.

Don't give up, believe it or not the pi network will come out very beautifully at the right time and day, no one knows when the open mainnet pi network will be launched, but it will happen if everything is what Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis has been perfect with the former pi network project. The time with the pi network was very beautiful and very bright. Don't forget to mine pi coin today while you can still get it for free.  One warm from us hokanews to all pioneers around the world.  Best wishes from the pi network!

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining device battery. The Pi blockchain secures economic transactions through a mobile meritocracy system and a complete Web3 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

That's a little information that we can share with all the pi network communities.  
Hopefully this is useful, keep the spirit, don't give up.
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Thanks to all the pioneers, warm greetings from the hokanews team.  Information from the pi network community for all pioneers