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JUST IN : CLOUDBIT, We have mined Pi Network now last 3years. Mainnet is starting to come live soon - hokanews


JUST IN : CLOUDBIT, We have mined Pi Network now last 3years. Mainnet is starting to come live soon - hokanews 

hokanews.com - Pi Network in early 2023 was quite excited among cryptocurrency lovers.
Pi coin created by Dr.  Nicolas Kokkalis in 2019, caused an uproar in the cryptocurrency community.

The Pi network itself is currently entering its initial round, in cryptocurrency terms it is called the Mainnet.  Likewise with the pi coin created by Dr.  Nicolas Kokkalis this.

But the difference is that the mainnet is on the pi network, the mainnet on the pi network is not the mainnet in general, other cryptocurrencies.  The mainnet on the pi network is divided into 2, there is what is called a closed mainnet as is currently happening, and the other one is an open mainnet, which is meant by an open mainnet, the Pi Network is listed on a cryptocurrency exchange that can be traded by all  people around the world.

However, for the open mainnet pi network, no one knows when it will definitely happen, the thing that all the pioneers have been waiting for.  Yes, we can only pray that it will happen as soon as possible.

In an effort to create an easy-to-use cryptocurrency that doesn't require special hardware, the Pi Network was created.  The Pi Network is the first cryptocurrency that can be mined via mobile devices such as smartphones.  The Pi Network also provides benefits to its users by giving free Pi coins upon registration.

Pi Network uses decentralized blockchain technology and has its own consensus protocol called "Proof of Stake" (PoS).  PoS allows users to validate transactions using their own computing power, which allows the Pi Network to operate more efficiently and save energy.

Pi Coin is currently available for free by everyone.  It's just that you need a smartphone and internet when you enter the pi network application.

It turns out that mining pi coin itself is not only heard by ordinary people but also heard by other cryptocurrency communities, they don't want to waste this golden opportunity, also previously it was revealed that great people were involved in working on the pi network created by Dr.  .  Nicolas Kokkalis.  Like one of the grandsons of the prime minister of the country of India Sameep Shastri(@sameepshastri ) And we really believe that there are still many behind the scenes that we don't know about great people who don't want to be left behind in the pi network project.

However, recently one of the Cloudbit_Global cryptocurrency community accounts has also been excited about which he also claims that he himself has been participating in pi network mining for the past 3 years.

hokanews.com monitoring from the Twitter account Cloudbit_Global is very clear from the posts shared by the account with their Twitter account followers, around 24,272 thousand followers.

It was revealed from the posts they shared that they were like this:

We have mined #PiNetwork now last 3years. Mainnet is starting to come live soon. 

LINK: minepi.com/Cloudbit

#Pi #PiNetworkLive #PiNetworkBlockchain #pinetworkmining @PiCoreTeam #Crypto #eth #bnb   

hokanews.com does not publish articles without sources.  For more details, see the image below:

Twitter image source 

hokanews.com tries to explore what is meant by Cloudbit Global.  This was revealed from their Twitter bio, their bio also looks like this:

Cloudbit Classic $CDBC is a cryptocurrency coin. CDBC enables communication between blockchains and their smart contracts.


For more details, see the image below:

Twitter image source 

Pioneers, don't waste your pi coins.  Don't ever sell your pi coins on the black market.  Stage your pi coin if the price on this Closed Mainnet doesn't match what you expected.  Believe me, the mining pi network is not just us from ordinary people.  However, those who know more about their pi network project did not waste this golden opportunity.

Trust the pi network when it comes out perfectly.  And you need to know that pi networks are not the same as cryptocurrencies in general.  And believe me, success cannot be created in one night.  One warm from us hokanews to all pioneers wherever you are.  Keep the spirit, don't give up.  Share this article with other pioneers so that together we support each other pioneers.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining device battery. The Pi blockchain secures economic transactions through a mobile meritocracy system and a complete Web3 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

That's a little information that we can share with all the pi network communities.  
Hopefully this is useful, keep the spirit, don't give up.
If the information from hokanews is useful, don't forget to share it with other pioneers.

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Thanks to all the pioneers, warm greetings from the hokanews team.  Information from the pi network community for all pioneers