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JUST IN : The name of the pi network is getting excited compared to Bitcoin, it turns out that this is the cause - hokanews


JUST IN : The name of the pi network is getting excited compared to Bitcoin, it turns out that this is the cause - hokanews 

hokanews.com - Pi Network, a crypto mining application created in 2019, by Dr.  Nicolas Kokkalis has become the latest talk in the world of cryptocurrencies.  Even though it hasn't been fully launched yet, the app has already attracted the attention of many people around the world, with the number of users growing day by day.

Even now, it is estimated that miners who are active on the pi network have reached 45 million active users.  From before, it was calculated that there were around 35 million active users.  The figure of 35 million active users is a number that has jumped dramatically.  Downloads from Playstore itself are currently at 50 million+ downloads.  That doesn't include those who use iPhones.

The unique name of the pi network has become increasingly popular since it was launched in 2019. This can be said to be a big jump from one of the cryptocurrency projects that pi coins can get for free.

You could say the name of the pi network is better known than ordinary people.  Previously, they didn't know what Bitcoin is and what cryptocurrency is, so with the presence of the pi network, ordinary people are familiar with decentralized digital currency.  You could say miner pi network mostly from ordinary people.  From people who already know what bitcoin is.

According to one community account from the pi network tensely said.  Many people have never even heard of Bitcoin.  They also use pi coin for different transactions.

hokanews.com monitoring from the pi network community account on Twitter also clearly shows the writing he published.

 His writings went like this:

#PiNetwork has such an unique spirit..many people who never even heard about Bitcoin or any other crypto they are also using pi for different transection. And it's just a teaser of the world most distributed crypto coin.
(I have physically seen this incident many times already)

hokanews.com does not publish articles without sources.  For more details, see the image below:

Twitter image source 

So, what makes the Pi Network so popular and why is it considered more hyped than Bitcoin?  Here are some of the causes:

Different mining systems
One of the main factors that differentiates the Pi Network from Bitcoin is its mining system.  Bitcoin uses a proof-of-work system, in which miners must solve complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain.

On the other hand, Pi Network uses a proof-of-stake system that is more environmentally friendly and easy to use.  Users can earn Pi by installing an app and following a relatively simple mining process.

Data security
Data security is also one of Pi Network's advantages compared to Bitcoin.  This application is equipped with a sophisticated security system to protect user data.  In addition, users can choose to keep their data private and not share it with third parties.

 Application availability
Bitcoins can only be accessed through crypto exchanges or digital wallets.  However, the Pi Network can be accessed via an application that can be downloaded and installed on a smartphone.  This makes the Pi Network more accessible and easy to use by users from all walks of life.

Bright future
The Pi Network is still in development, but its future prospects look bright.  This app has a strong team of developers and a growing network of users.  Apart from that, the Pi Network also has several plans to expand its functionality and make it more integrated into users' daily lives.

In conclusion, the Pi Network is increasingly popular compared to Bitcoin because it has several advantages in terms of an easier mining system, more secure data security, application availability, and bright future prospects.  However, as with other cryptocurrency investments, users should always be careful and do their research before deciding to buy or.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining device battery. The Pi blockchain secures economic transactions through a mobile meritocracy system and a complete Web3 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

That's a little information that we can share with all the pi network communities.  
Hopefully this is useful, keep the spirit, don't give up.
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Thanks to all the pioneers, warm greetings from the hokanews team.  Information from the pi network community for all pioneers