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GOOD NEWS !! CertiK audit monitoring Pi Network - hokanews.com

Hello pioneer How are you all.

 Keep the spirit, don't forget to click the lightning.

 Update the coin pin or even more precisely the pi network.  Currently it's quite viral on Twitter, especially now that there are rumors that pi coin will enter the mainnet

Seperti crypto atau pun coin lain yang berjalan di atas blockchain. Akan memerlukan yang nama nya audit.

According to monitoring hokanews.com, be careful again to spy on the pi coin to conduct an audit.

 As we already know, certik is a blockchain security audit, one of which many DEVs from cryptocurrency audit their coins through certik.

As recently, Certik has just conducted an audit to CORE DAO

And the CORE DAO audit that was carefully done went perfectly.

Monitor hokanews.com, check yourself again spying on the pi network. Not from posting on your own Twitter page. But in the Bsc.news twitter post

Does @PiCoreTeam need an audit? 👀

More clearly see the picture below

Source twitter CertiK comments 

When certik entered in the comments in the Bsc.news twitter post

There was one of the pi network pioneers who tried to respond to the certik's comments

The US government has granted the license for the Pi network to operate, it is no longer important for other auditing companies

More clearly see the picture below

Source twitter @Nhinh09242042 comments

There Certik tries to give a little input to the pioneers who respond to comments from Certik itself.

An audit is for security.. not license to operate

More clearly see the picture below

Source twitter CertiK comments 

How do other pioneers respond whether the pi network will conduct an audit via certik.  Or even through another audit

Source twitter

What is certain is that each blockchain will carry out an audit for security in transactions

Give your feedback below.  What do all the pioneers think.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining device battery. The Pi blockchain secures economic transactions through a mobile meritocracy system and a complete Web3 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

That's a little information that we can share with all the pi network communities.  
Hopefully this is useful, keep the spirit, don't give up.
If the information from hokanews is useful, don't forget to share it with other pioneers.

From pioneers for pioneers

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Thanks to all the pioneers, warm greetings from the hokanews team.  Information from the pi network community for all pioneers